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Get on Board! Upcoming EFL Events

We are preparing to tackle the new school year head-on and in the coming weeks we will be attending a series of forums, conferences, and exhibitions.

This is your opportunity to meet with us in person, explore working synergies and discover our product portfolio. You could also be one of the lucky winners of free exams for your students!

Meet the world's English language experts

During the Autumn '17 IP Exhibitions in Athens and Thessaloniki, renowned industry experts will spearhead the new era of LanguageCert!

Dr Michael Milanovic, Former Cambridge English Language Assessment CEO, who is now Member of LanguageCert's Board of Directors & Chairman of the LanguageCert Advisory Council will present at the Autumn '17 IP Exhibition in Athens.

Nigel Pike, former Cambridge English Language Assessment Director and now Member of LanguageCert’s Advisory Council will speak at the Autumn '17 IP Exhibition in Thesssaloniki.

Calendar of Events



24-25 August 2017

30th Edition Conference and Book Exhibition in Northern Greece
Makedonia Palace, Thessaloniki 

26-27 August 2017

Autumn '17 Thessaloniki IP Exhibition
The MET Hotel, Thessaloniki 

3 September 2017

The Foreign Languages (FL) Forum & Book Exhibitions
Capsis Hotel, Thessaloniki



26-27 August 2017

EUROPALSO Annual Conference
Athenaeum Intercontinental Athens
(focusing exclusively on IELTS Greece) 

26-27 August 2017

The Foreign Languages (FL) Forum & Book Exhibitions
Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens

2-3 September 2017

Autumn '17 Athens IP Exhibition
Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens



30 August 2017

The Foreign Languages (FL) Forum & Book Exhibitions
Le Chalet Hotel, Xanthi

As always, our Facebook followers hear our news first, so join the buzz!