Home Breadcrumb Separator Image Our News Breadcrumb Separator Image Announcements Breadcrumb Separator Image Foreign language school EUROGNOSI Korydallos has become a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in Piraeus, Greece

Foreign language school EUROGNOSI Korydallos has become a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in Piraeus, Greece

Since 1999, the foreign language school EUROGNOSI Korydallos, part of one of the biggest educational chains in Greece, has been providing high-quality services in the field of foreign language learning. The school has managed to lead the way in the area of Korydallos, using innovative programmes that adapt to the needs of every student.

By becoming a LanguageCert Approved Test Centre in Greece, EUROGNOSI Korydallos sets new targets, aiming to offer to its learners the opportunity to become proficient language users. Through LanguageCert International ESOL qualifications its students will successfully deal with the challenges of the future.